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Creator: Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT)

Description: Law reform for sex work has been in process for over a decade now. Many politicians say they can’t support decriminalisation of sex work because you – the public – don’t support change. This means that as many as 182,000 women and men who make a living selling sexual services in South Africa remain vulnerable to abuse and have no recourse if they experience violence. This video highlights the consequences of criminalizing sex work and what the decriminalization of sex work would do.

Creator: Pivot Legal Society

Description: For years Pivot Legal Society, Sex Workers United Against Violence, and the PACE Society have been fighting for the rights of sex workers. That fight led to intervention tactics in the Bedford case at the Supreme Court of Canada in June of 2013. On December 20th, 2013 the Supreme Court of Canada released a historic verdict.

Creator: New Zealand Prostitutes Collective (NZPC)

Description: This video outlines the process of successfully lobbying to decriminalise prostitution in New Zealand, which happened in 2003. The New Zealand Prostitutes Collective was actively engaged in lobbying and submitting briefs to Parliament, as well as ongoing in-person advocacy processes. NZPC also been actively involved in research and evaluation of the post-decriminalisation environment with academics, legal professionals, the Ministry of Justice, and the police. We provide outreach and advocacy for workers of the sex industry and the transgender street work community. NZPC has led the world in legislative reform and this is their story.

Creator: English Collective of Prostitutes

Description: This documentary follows the stories of sex workers who were evicted from their flats in Soho, London, during police raids in December 2013. Along with the traditional documentary format, actresses in a studio perform real testimonies given by the sex workers and reenact the trials in which these women appealed against the closure orders.

Creator: Healthy Options Project Skopje (HOPS)

Description: In Macedonia, as throughout the rest of the world, sex workers are pushed to the margins of society by a combination of prejudice, discrimination, and violence. Yet, the fact that a person sells sexual services cannot be used as justification for the denial of their fundamental rights, to which all human beings are entitled. You Must Know About Me is a first-hand account of sex workers experiences and aspirations off and on the streets. While dealing with harassment and violence from clients, pimps, and the police, sex workers strive to counter hostile public attitudes by speaking out and fighting for their rights.

Creator: International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE)

Description: On the 17th of December, sex workers, their advocates, allies, friends and families gathered around the world to denounce all acts of violence against sex workers. In this video, sex workers from Serbia, Macedonia, Spain, Turkey and Romania talk about human rights violations they face in their countries. Agata Dziuban from ICRSE presents powerful evidence that states that sex work has to be decriminalised and sex workers must be involved and heard in order to achieve an effective global HIV response.

Creator: Association for Supporting the Marginalized Workers (Star-Star)

Description: This video was produced for the project "GMT Mobilization and Integration to Improve the Secondary Healthcare" and fully supported by the GMT Initiative Community Award at the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR). This project is a unique initiative of Macedonian sex workers, which implements activities aimed at the male population, including gay men, men who have sex with men, and transgender sex workers, as well as their clients of Macedonian, Albanian and Roma nationality.

Creator: Association for Supporting the Marginalized Workers (Star-Star)

Description:The STAR-STAR sex worker collective presents a short video of organized events for December 17th, The International Day to End Violence Against Sex Worker. STAR-STAR recognizes that sex work is work and has nothing in common with human trafficking.

Creator: Association for Supporting the Marginalized Workers (Star-Star)

Description: The STAR-STAR sex worker collective presents a short video of organized events for December 17th, The International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. STAR-STAR recognizes that sex work is work and has nothing in common with human trafficking.

Creator: Rattapallax "DAVIDA"

Description: Brazilian sex worker activist Gabriela Leite challenges political correctness and explains why she likes the word "puta" (whore in Portuguese). At such a dark time in Brazil, Gabriela's brilliant commentaries and voice are absolutely necessary! Here, she talks about why she likes the word whore.

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